Dream Alive Institute NPC offers ministerial credentialing through Global Ministers Network Poteau, Ok, USA. Applicants must meet all requirements and standards. In addition, applicants must remain in good standing with Dream Alive Institute and their Local Churches. 


All certificates must be renewed annually. Failure to renew annually will result in your ministerial credentials being revoked. 

What is Ministerial Licensing? 

Ministerial License is a legal confirmation of God's calling and provide accountability for credibility. 

It provides integrity and support to the individual in ministry. 

Ministerial License is an important and practical way to acknowledge a person's calling to a life devoted to ministering to the body of Christ, especially those that preach and teach the Word of God. 

Candidates may become credentialed in the following areas as long as guidelines are met and maintained. Licensed and ordained ministers Minister - Persons professing a divine call to proclaim the Word of God. 

A licensed Minister will have the following rights and responsibilities: Preach, teach and defend the Gospel of Jesus Christ Serve in the office of Pastor, Evangelist and Missionary Serve in any ministry leadership position Conduct serves and ministry activities sponsored by the local church Assist with administration of the Holy Sacraments as deemed appropriate by local overseer Receive members into the local fellowship Serve on Church Council and other boards Evangelist - a person that have the calling to preach the good news. (Luke4:18) Teacher - a person with a divine calling to instruct the Word of God. (Matthew 9:35) Missionary - a person with a divine calling to carry the Gospel across the nations, and do charitable work. 

Minister - a person that have been serving for no less than two years and are in good standing with the local church. Apostle - a person who is sent out with the authority to establish churches on a solid foundation of God's Word. Pastors - a person who have the divine calling to shepherd, feed and guide flocks. Pastors will prepare God's people for the work of the ministry, build up the body of Christ, bring unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God, bring saints to a place of maturity and fullness of Christ. Prophets - a person with a divine calling to foretell events and to speak under divine inspiration. A prophet will give direction, confirm guidance and vision, give insight into the Word of God, tell facts about people's lives, rebuke, judge, correct, warn and reveal future events. Evangelist - a person that has been licensed more than two years, works in the ministry of evangelism and is in good standing with the church. Teacher - a person that has been serving, worked in the ministry for more than two years and is in good standing with the church. 

Special Appointments: 

Bishop Requirements for Ministerial License with Global Ministers Network in Affiliation with Dream Alive Institute NPO South Africa 

1. Application form to be signed by Applicant and emailed to [email protected] with a registration fee of R350 

2. GMN Questionnaire to be filled by applicant. 

3. Pastors/Bishop/Mentors Recommendation to be signed. 

4. Both copies scanned and emailed here or whatsapp to +27797452929 

5. A fee of $100 is required with registration in the Dream Alive institute Account before processing of License. 

All those applying through Dream Alive will pay R2000 only and arrangements can be made for payment plan with first deposit of R1000. 

Annual renewal fee is $50 and for our Dream Alive Applicants ,you will be paying R500 only. 

6. A copy of your size photo and ID must be attached. 

7. A minimum time of 7 working days is required for the processing of the license or ordination certificate What does it mean to have a GMN International Ministerial License? 

1. Global recognition. GMN Ministries is a Global Evangelistic Outreach Ministries with its presence in over 6o nations. As a GMN licensed minister you have the opportunity to preach in other countries without challenges. 

2. Credibility. The world is not too friendly with ministers of the gospel today because of the happenings, in some countries you cannot be allowed to preach without an international ordination certificate. 

3. Support. Being a GMN Licensed Minister gives you an open door to network with international fellowships and ministers in different nations, including invitation to minister in other nations.

 Those who qualify for international Ministerial License are invited to request forms of application from Dream Alive Institute NPC via Dr.Terence Phiri affiliate and Africa Representative of GMN Ministries Evangelistic Association. Contact: +27-797452929 Email: [email protected]

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