Breaking Barriers Program and Facilitator Training

Breaking Barriers Program and Facilitator Training picture

Breaking Barriers program and Facilitators Program
Breaking Barriers is a program for people desiring to heal wounds from their past, to discover their identity and purpose and fulfill God’s plan for their lives.
Come and experience what it feels like to take part in a healing journey:
 Where empty, broken parts of your life are filled and find purpose
 Where you discover a process to heal the root causes of your wounds
 Where you grow to trust God and others
 Where you experience deep, lasting forgiveness and are then able to truly forgive others
What participants said of their experience in Breaking Barriers?
“I don’t know what I would have done without this group in my life,” “Alicia” said after the tragic death of her son. She had just begun Breaking Barriers a few short weeks earlier, leading her into a deep healing experience, walking closer than ever in relationship to Jesus.
“It is life-changing, the work God is doing,” she said.
"Ana", a compulsive server of others, often explosive and hurtful in her emotional reactions, experienced God healing deep wounds she didn't even know existed. Tears flowing freely, she spoke of how tenderly and fully God had affirmed His love for her, stopping repeatedly to ask someone's forgiveness or willingly receive their loving words for her, things that were impossible for her before.
“I grew up without a father. My mother was abusive. I never knew the love of a parent,” “Marco” shared, his eyes brimming with tears. “I pushed my pain on others.” Learning the process for healing deep wounds was pivotal for him. He immediately began to reach out to those he’d wounded: his son, daughter, and wife. The Lord began a healing journey in all their lives, freeing them to receive His love in new ways, to forgive, and heal deeper than they imagined possible.
“There is nothing that has changed my life like this . . . most of all I have learned to forgive.”
Join a Breaking Barriers group. Start a healing journey that will help you understand how emotional wounds have impacted your life and how God wants you to heal, drawing you closer in relationship to Him and to others.
Receive training to facilitate a Breaking Barriers group yourself. Learn to give and share from what you have received. Build skills in leading people through an experiential process, where learning is “caught” instead of taught, freeing people to experience through all their senses a depth of awareness and understanding that leads them to receive and respond to God’s healing touch each step of the journey.
SESSION TWO: How We Deal with Faults and Wounds
Session 3: The Fundamental Longings Session 4: Our Experience of Love Session 5: Our Experience of Trust Session 6: The Power of The Cross
Session 7: Emotions, Can You Trust them? Session 8: The Truth Shall Set Us Free Session 9: Entering Deeper into Truth Session 10: Healing Deep Wounds
Session 11: Focusing on Forgiveness
Session 12: Celebrating the Victory of the Cross

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